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I have a 1967 Thunderbird that was without keys. A friend has a 5 gallon bucket that is half full of 1966 (and up) Ford keys. He loaned me the bucket and about 200 keys in I found one that works perfectly EXCEPT when turned upside down. Evidently, one side is cut slightly different than the other and begs the question; does the ignition recognize the key from the top cuts or the bottom cuts? I am recalling, I think, that older Ford products were configured where the key was inserted with the cut side facing up. Do you know if that continued after 1966? Thanks and I hope to see you and Chris this Spring.


Carter –

It is good to hear from you. The “tumblers” that determine if the correct keys are inserted in the door lock cylinders or the ignition cylinder are located in the top side of the cylinder. Does this same key work in the door locks as well?

We sometimes need to send the door lock cylinders and the ignition cylinders along with new key blanks out to a locksmith for this type of repair.

Chris and I are definitely looking forward to your visit here at Lincoln Land.


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