Hi Bill,
I just stumbled across your site while searching for information on a problem I am having.
I purchased this vehicle about 2 years ago mainly as a car to store and drive occasionally. The last three times I have had it out I had a problem, after it runs for 15-30 minutes it just shuts off. I can crank it and nothing happens. My mechanic told me there was a problem with the California emissions on the car so he disconnected it and it was supposed to be fixed. Well I had it out today and about 30 min into my drive it stalled out again, same problem.
After my mechanic came and looked at it he said there was a problem with some small part located right next to the ignition box on the driver’s side fender well under the hood. He couldn’t find out what the part even was but swore it had to do with the California emissions but that he couldn’t find any part number for it or anything. His suggestion is to change out the ignition box for a new Mallory distributor the cost of which is about $330, I was hoping with your experience on these cars you might have a different solution.
Hello Sean,
The condition that you describe is not uncommon with the electronic ignition systems of that era and the yes any of these electronic parts could be your problem. Although the system is excellent, the vehicle is over 30 years old and is probably overdue for some service. Under the hood there is indeed a unit known as the Ignition Module. It operates in harmony with other electronic items that are located inside of the distributor cap. Replacing parts without testing may result in success or could be costly if you end up with the same problem if the parts that are replaced are NOT defective. Another difficulty is that many of these quality original parts are now obsolete from Ford. If you would like to receive a complete set of manuals for your Mark V (recommended), contact us at any time. I hope the above helps you to a fast repair.
- Parts/Service: 727-446-2193
- Fax: 727-447-6179
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