I Wish to THANK YOU for the Blog and Information being passed along.
You “Hit the Nail…. on the Head” with saying Leak’s are a Cause of the HL Cover’s Opening which lead’s me to another Question.
Inside the Right Side “Kick-Panel” I hear a “sssssss” type sound of flowing air, which I assume is a Leak. What is Behind the Panel and Does it have one of the Control Valve’s you mentioned (in Ron’s question) as being sold as used ?
Keep Up the Great Service !
Las Vegas
If you are hearing a vacuum leak behind the kick panel, it could be the Autolamp module. This unit opens and closes the h/lamp covers automatically when the Autolamp feature is on and operating. There could be a vac. hose pulled off on the outside or the inside of this module. The unit may also require repair or replacement. Contact us further if you cannot easily repair it and find that you do need a replacement.
Good Luck
- Parts/Service: 727-446-2193
- Fax: 727-447-6179
- Voor Nederlandstaligen, vraag naar Erik of email in het Nederlands ter attentie "Erik"