Dear Uncle Bill,
Carter here, again.
In addition to the 67 4-dr I acquired in Florida at Lincoln Land last year, a 68 2dr Landau has found me and a new home. Turning into a very nice care, however; I have replaced the gas tank, and the fuel sending unit. The fuel sending unit twice… why? Because the first one sent the gas gauge to a point way past “full” and I thought it defective…. So, I order another one, same result. Help!
Your favorite nephew,
Hi Carter –
If the other dash gauges are reading correctly and the new sending units that you have installed are not internally faulty I would suspect that the vehicle plug to the sending unit is not compatible with the new unit. You need to carefully compare the electricals on the original sending unit with the new ones that you are trying to install. I believe that there is some problem with some senders that was causing exactly what you are describing. Contact us at Lincoln Land Carter as you may need to send us your original unit as well as the new unit so that we can test both and configure the wiring on the new one to operate correctly for your car. “We’ll git er done.”
- Parts/Service: 727-446-2193
- Fax: 727-447-6179
- Voor Nederlandstaligen, vraag naar Erik of email in het Nederlands ter attentie "Erik"