Hello Bill,
I just bought a 1988 Mark VII Bill Blass in pretty rough shape cosmetically. It seems to run real good, except I noticed that the gas pedal is hard to push, and at distance drives, my leg and foot get tired from the forceful stance I have to take to keep an even speed. Is there a way to fix That?
Thanks so much,
Rob –
If the accelerator on your Mark VII is actually more difficult than others to operate I would check it by disconnecting the accelerator cable from the throttle body at the engine to determine if the cable is the culprit or if the throttle body itself has become stiff. Doing this will tell you which part needs to be serviced. Another thought is that a previous owner may have modified the cable or throttle body to compensate for a poor throttle return issue. The above inspection should be easy to do and you can contact us again with the results for further advice.
- Parts/Service: 727-446-2193
- Fax: 727-447-6179
- Voor Nederlandstaligen, vraag naar Erik of email in het Nederlands ter attentie "Erik"