Hello Bill,
I have a 1986 Town Car with 37K miles and I am having trouble with the fuel gauge. It has frozen up on empty and won’t release to the correct position. I had it replaced in 2008 and the new one has done the same thing. I have been told its an issue due to the ethanol in the new gasolines available currently. I had a friend tell me to run some fuel system cleaner through it and it should clear it up. He said put three of the fuel concentrated bottles in one tank of gas and it should work. Is this recommended or should I pass on this advice? Looking forward to your response.
Tuscaloosa, AL
Hi Mark,
Nice car. I had an 86 Town Car and found it to be a great car. We are not experiencing the ethanol problems with the fuel sending units as you are describing. One of the most common failures that we see that cause an empty reading from the fuel tank unit is a float that has developed a leak. This causes the arm to sink and remain in the “empty ” position. We can rebuild many of these units or supply the float if you would need it. If you believe that your issue is caused by the tank unit you could remove it and inspect the float. If the float is breached we can easily supply a new one. If the float is ok and the problem appears to be internal you could send the unit it to us for further testing and or rebuilding. I hope this helps you to a speedy repair.
- Parts/Service: 727-446-2193
- Fax: 727-447-6179
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