Hi Bill,
I am replacing the starter on my 73 Continental. I can get the existing starter disconnected but when it comes to actually removing from the car the steering linkage is in the way. I saw in an earlier response you suggested disconnecting the idler from the frame. I also read in an old Mitchell manual I have that I may need to turn the wheels to the right and disconnect the idler. The only problem is I still don’t think I have enough room to wiggle it out and away from the car. I also thought about trying to take off the solenoid to gain more wiggle room but I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Any suggestions? Please feel free to email me directly, thanks!
Hello Tom –
The removal of the starter is shown on page 28-03-04 of the 1973 Factory Shop Manual for that style of starter on the 460 cid engine. It describes turning the steering linkage for a right turn and disconnecting the idler arm from the vehicle frame in order to maneuver the starter out on the Mark IV. There may also be a brace in the way and blocking removal that will need to be disconnected at one end as well. The full size Lincoln model may not require this procedure at all. If you have some aftermarket type of exhaust pipe or any other non factory parts etc. interfering, you will need to disconnect these parts. Another thought to possibly consider is that a badly deteriorated motor mount could be lowering the engine and causing some interference. Removing the solenoid from the starter prior to removing the assembly is not advised.
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