I just got a 1973 Lincoln Continental and I need to replace the carburetor. My question is there is not a tag on the carburetor on the car. I have had a time trying to find a good replacement, as I don’t know the tag number. I have found a NOS carburetor for sale, the tag number on it is D5PE-AB, they say it’s boxed as a CA688C, but see CA788C marked on the box in their picture. Would this work on my Lincoln? If not do you know of a supplier for a good replacement carburetor. Also where can I find a good cross reference for part numbers for items I may need down the road.
Thanks for your help,
Ogden, UT
LC –
Assuming that your 73 is original and complete with it’s 4300 carburetor, any one from a 68-74 Lincoln with a 460CID engine should be OK as they are all basic 4300 series carburetors. The Part Number D5PE indicates a 1975 style which should be a 4350 series and will not fit. The CA688 and CA788 Part Numbers are early Motorcraft numbers and could be OK and perfectly fine but I do not know what these boxes actually contain. They could be defective, boxed wrong or someone’s rejects, etc. I would consider overhauling my original if possible if a replacement cannot be found. If you would like to have cross reference catalogs, or any such information it would be wise to watch eBay, flea markets, etc. That material is out there but you may need to buy a package deal to get what you want. If we can assist you further in this matter please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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