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1968 462 Engine Rebuild Question

Hello Bill –
I’m having trouble with the #5 main cap to the crank shaft. I can’t remove it. Is there a way to remove it that I don’t damage the cap or the crank shaft.
Because of the design of the sealing surfaces on this rear main cap removing in can be very difficult in many cases. I consulted with Erik Dalemans here at Lincoln Land and he advises as follows. The cap has two threaded holes that serve as an attachment for the oil pan. He sometimes needs to thread in two longer bolts into these holes so that the bolts can be used as leverage to gently rock and pull the cap free. Tools such as vise grips etc. can be used on the bolts to carefully rock or pry the cap free and guide it down and out. Advising you with the situation that you are in is difficult at best without actually being there on scene. With a little patience and care you should be successful. I do hope that the above helps you. If you have any further questions please contact us.

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