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1967 Continental Coupe Possible Carb Issues

Hello Bill,
I have a 67 Continental Coupe with the original 462. 73k miles, well taken care of car. Car runs just fine, except in one particular situation. After the engine is hot, if I sit at idle for a bit, like at a long stoplight, when I start to accelerate, the car will occasionally stall. It seems fuel starved when it happens. Sometimes it stutters for a few seconds and seems to recover. Other times, it stutters and dies completely, which is no fun in the middle of a busy intersection.
It always starts right back up though, and then will run fine. In cool weather it is very infrequent, but as it heats up here in Orlando, it becomes more frequent. My mechanic has checked the fuel system and carb and can’t seem to find anything wrong. He has also had difficulty recreating the problem on test drives, mostly because he doesn’t stay in the car long enough in the heat. Car is driven daily, so I would love to get this addressed before our weather warms up more.
Thanks, Bill!
Hello Derek –
That sounds like a real nice car that you have there! After reading over your letter a few times and assuming that your engine is in otherwise excellent tune with regards to ignition points, condenser, spark plugs, wiring etc. and your fuel is of a good quality I would strongly suspect a carburetor problem and in particular an accelerator pump issue. Even if your carburetor was recently rebuilt or overhauled the accelerator pumps are known to be a source of annoyance especially with today’s low quality fuels that we all are being compelled to use. When the car is initially accelerated from a stop it is the pump that supplies a quick generous spritz of fuel to the engine as it begins to rev up to ensure that the vehicle gets smoothly underway. If this extra fuel is not available every time the result will be exactly the condition that you are describing. If your carb. has not been serviced it may be needing a cleaning which would include a new accelerator pump. This of course should be verified by your mechanic who should be quite knowledgeable of carbureted vehicles. I hope the above leads you to a good repair.

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