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1965 Starting Issues & Follow Up

Hey Bill,
Having issue with my 65 Continental. I recently drove it to the gas station, filled up with Shell premium gas. Car ran fine. I drove probably about 30 minutes around town then, park to visit a friend, an hour later started the car put it in reverse from his driveway and it died This went on for about 10 minutes, finally had to tow the car home. After a few hours I pulled and checked the fuel filter, it was clean. Need your help.
Joel –
Joel –
Trying to diagnose your problem from here and provide suggestions for you is futile without more information. You don’t indicate if the car is recently out of storage or newly purchased etc. Was any recent work done on the engine such as a tune up, carburetor work etc.? Was it actually running perfectly before this issue appeared or? You found that the fuel filter was not plugged but the in tank pick up tube screen could be plugging. All that I can determine from the information that you have provided is that you will need to check all of the basic tune up items pertaining to ignition and fuel. However, it does sound like the carburetor air fuel mixture could be upset and causing this condition or a major engine vacuum hose has become disconnected. A competent technician should be able to quickly pinpoint the problem for you.
Hi Bill,
The car was running fine, it had driven for 2 days the problem started. The carb was rebuilt, new plugs, pretty much the whole engine was rebuilt.
Joel –
The new information that you sent does not tell me very much more or help at all in the diagnosis. I cannot diagnose that kind of problem from here without any real on scene information. All you really are saying is that something is wrong but it can’t be wrong because it was already done. You have only checked one item, the fuel filter so far. Sometimes a technician needs to “backtrack” in order to diagnose a problem. Follow the basic tune up advice in my original reply regarding ignition (points, condenser, distributor etc.) carburetor and fuel supply testing as well as the other suggestions that I have stated. Someone knowledgeable will need to do some meaningful on scene diagnosis to pinpoint the problem. One final thought…..Is it possible that you somehow received a bad tank of fuel?

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